Politics, etc

We are in a situation where we have Fascists on one side and Socialists on the other, but they're just two sides of the same totalitarian coin. We need to educate ourselves and disseminate useful information as we find it. And while some of us dispute over purely economic interests, there's a bunch of identity politics going on where everyone seems to be competing for the title of world's biggest victim. How strange is this, that we should all be trying to claim the label of the world's biggest loser? It's crazy, and it keeps us competing with each other rather than paying attention to those who rule over us. If, on the other hand, we learned to respect an honest type of diversity rather than the nonsense espoused by Social Justice Warriors and the education system, we could learn to appreciate those differences and still find a common humanity to share. As we found a genuine form of empowerment instead of playing the blame game, we could rise up and stand on our own feet, at which time we would no longer need anyone to rule over us in order to protect us from ourselves.

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