Wednesday, April 20, 2016

ANTI-SJW's- We Need You!

I am in full support of efforts made by anti-feminists such as Milo Yiannopolous and many others in the YouTube community and Social Media generally. However, I do want to move past that in my own life. I continue to hear criticisms of Feminism or Social Justice Warriors, and that is good for the general culture, but many of us are ready to move to the next step, since most of what is being circulated is just re-hashing the same thing. But, then, what is the next step?

Look at the labels being thrown around. The alt-right and cultural libertarian crowds call the SJW's the “regressive left,” which is meant to poke fun of the fact that they call themselves, “progressives.” What would it take to actually progress? Progress is not just change, though many lefties believe that any change is good. Even a moment of self-reflection should prove the case that this is false. Some change is bad. We want positive change. We want change for the better. But that requires that we know what is better and worse, and these kinds of evaluations come dangerously close to having an objective set of standards by which to judge better and worse. But Social Justice Warriors are cultural and moral relativists. They view any objective standards as intrinsically discriminatory, probably because by any reasonable standard, Western Culture is the most humane culture. That is not to say that it is perfect, or that it doesn't have anything left to learn.

I should make a quick note here, that relativism invariably deteriorates into hedonism, and then to Nihilism. Nihilism has a couple of relevant meanings that can be applied in this context. There is the one side of it having to do with the non-existence of objective moral facts, and the consequence of such a belief, that life itself has no particular meaning. There is no way to save relativists from this fate. They must be reformed.

Next I want to point out that Feminism has been described as a type of religion. Is it a fair characterization? Sometimes yes, sometimes no. And maybe this is not a dictionary definition, but we all know that practicing feminists do not subscribe to the dictionary definition when they mount their attacks on us. It would be better to describe it as a cult. So, if this is true, we need to start addressing it as such.

Therefore, we need to look at how people have dealt with cults in the past; that is, how to help the victims of cults to come back to a healthy view of reality. Which means that we need to have at least some compassion for these SJW's, when seeing them as victims of an unhealthy ideology. Even though they may not treat their adversaries as human, we should not respond to them in the same fashion.

Furthermore, it's not only Feminism that we have to confront with this. We have to be able to apply this to all manner of Social Justice Warrior insanities, now and in the future. So we are going to dedicate this episode of “Group Therapy” to the investigation of cults behaviors and the treatments utilized when treating their victims. This way, hopefully, we will be properly armed to dispelling whatever crap comes from their mouths.

Anyone who understands what I am arguing for (and why), and who is willing to do minimal research into how cult victims have been treated clinically for those experiences, please help us out. We need to figure out how to adapt those forms of treatments to the SJW's. So look into it, if you can, and contact me if you feel like you have something to contribute to the conversation. 

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