Tuesday, April 19, 2016

SJW's War on Sanity

I'm forever trying to make sense of the Social Justice Warriors. It certainly feels like an exercise in futility, since it feels like they are waging a war on sanity as such. There's not always any visible point to the kinds of things they claim to want. And it's ever so frustrating to try to make sense of such irrational people.

It does seem at times that they don't want us to believe our own judgment, like some burly guy that suddenly decides he wants to use your little girl's bathroom, because he "identifies as female." What kind of crap is this? And they have gone to such elaborate detail in justifying their delusions that you run the risk of buying into the same delusions yourself if you try to sympathize with their cause. It's crazy town.

The thing is, they do need us to be gullible for their tactics to work on us. You have to actually believe what they are saying when they saying something so obviously stupid for it to have any effect on you. They say crap like "all whites are racist," when it's so obviously itself a racist statement that you start to wonder if your own judgment is going berserk. No really, you're not the one that going insane. They are. And they expect all of the rest of us to adopt their insanity as our own.

There's a book used by mental health professionals, at least here in the United States, called, "Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders," used not only to diagnose patients but also used for the purpose of writing grant proposals so new research can be funded. That's right, if it's not in the DSM, it doesn't exist. Like the Gender Identity Disorder that got removed from that manual. It's not a mental disease because their holy bible doesn't say that it exists... anymore.

The cultural and moral relativists have convinced themselves that there is no objective moral truths due to the fact there do indeed exist a myriad number of cultures in the world, and because they have not arrived at any single standard by which to judge the merit of a given culture, there must not be one, not now, not ever. Because that would be racist. It's pretty clear they are working from some professional guilt given the Christian missionaries trying to export their religion all over the world. And now the pendulum as swung to the opposite extreme. Now we are expected to believe that every culture is just as good as every other culture. Never mind the fact that some of these cultures are strapping on suicide vests. We're supposed to overlook that fact. Or even blame ourselves for their behavior.

Oh thinking about these fools is so tiring. It's just so much insanity it wears a person down.

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